A list of objectives was created in June 2024, after months of consultation and feedback from affiliate leaders. Thank you to all who participated in this process. We have looked at each of these objectives, how they align with our mission, vision, and values, and offer action steps to implement these goals. Some of the action steps address more than one objective and are listed more than once. This is a reflection of the interweaving of our action steps with our overall mission, vision, and values.
We invite you to collaborate with us, as we continue to improve our effectiveness in meeting the needs of our affiliates and all consumers.
Objective 1: To publish educational content in a variety of media and formats at little or no cost for all consumers
This aligns with our overall mission, vision, and values to provide greater access to funeral consumer information for all people, available in a variety of formats. These types of content are generally static and posted online so that consumers can find them asynchronously at their convenience (not live events). Our Board members also respond to interview requests from regional and national news media and researchers on funerary issues.
Action Steps |
Create or update content on website and web pages |
Update written materials such as pamphlets and Before I Go |
Develop easy-to-understand materials on emergent trends and technologies |
Create videos on funerary issues and trends |
Host Instagram and Facebook accounts |
Track metrics for social media and website |
Implement Legiscan |
Continue to address legislative matters, and monitor Funeral Rule |
Give national & regional interviews to raise awareness of funerary issues, as requested |
Objective 2: To host events for all consumers
We will provide greater access to funeral consumer information for all people, specifically in live/dynamic events that are in-person and/or virtual. This is in addition to our other formats, which are static. Live events offer the opportunity for real-time engagement, and consumers can interact with nationally-known presenters and leaders, and on relevant and timely topics.
Action Steps |
Host webinars on relevant topics |
Host in-person and hybrid conferences |
Host virtual conferences |
Objective 3: To serve as a consumer advocate and informed resource for pending legislation or regulations regarding end-of-life care and funeral industry practices
We will advocate for legislative change, for greater access to accurate funeral information, the rights of consumers to make informed funeral decisions; and the right of designated representatives to make final arrangement decisions. This includes providing greater access to funeral consumer information for all people on relevant and time-sensitive topics.
Action Steps |
Implement Legiscan |
Implement direct advocacy efforts including meeting & writing letters to legislators; testifying at hearings |
Assist affiliates with legislative advocacy |
Update content pages on website |
Create Instagram and Facebook content alerting public of funerary-related legislative issues |
Develop easy to understand materials on AH, NOR, etc. |
Host webinars on relevant topics including emergent processes like AH, NOR, and pending legislation by region |
Network with other regional and national organizations with like-minded goals |
Objective 4: To refer individuals with funeral-related complaints to appropriate agencies
An understanding of how to direct funeral-related complaints supports consumer empowerment, to equip consumers to self-advocate when purchasing funeral goods and services regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomics or other factors; and supports the rights of consumers to choose funeral goods and services that are in line with their religious, philosophical, or ethical beliefs.
Action Steps |
Update content on website on filing complaints |
Post information on social media on relevant topics including how to file a complaint |
Review 2023 webinar on how to file a complaint, and publicize it on website and social media |
Create short videos on relevant topics including how to file a complaint, to maintain currency |
Objective 5: To encourage the presence of local affiliates and to refer inquiries from the public to affiliates
This objective underlines our mission and identity as an educational nonprofit with a nationwide network of affiliates. We encourage and support our affiliates, both newly formed and those that are well-established, as they offer funeral consumer support, information, and advocacy for legislative change. Our affiliates are the heart of the Funeral Consumers Alliance.
Action Steps |
Develop blueprint to start affiliate |
Develop materials on achieving 501(c)3 status |
Create invitation to start a new affiliate, and post in all media (website, Instagram, Facebook, newsletters) |
Offer Prospective Affiliate Leader (PAL) training |
Update content pages on website to clarify how to find a local affiliate |
Create social media posts that explain how to find a local affiliate |
Create newsletter items and social media posts that highlight local affiliates |
Continue to refer inquiries from phone calls and emails to local affiliates, & keep a list of the inquiries for analysis |
Objective 6: To facilitate the exchange of information and experience among affiliates
This aligns with our overall mission, vision, and values in a unique way: As we support our affiliates in their efforts to communicate and learn from each other’s lived experience, this in turn will help them offer more nuanced funeral consumer support, information, and advocacy for legislative change. We have heard from many affiliates who want to communicate more frequently with each other. We at National look forward to facilitating these important avenues of communication and support between our affiliates spread across the country.
Action Steps |
Create space to post affiliate news (such as meetings & affiliate newsletter links) on FCA website |
Create private group on Facebook for affiliates to discuss affiliate matters |
Host virtual meetings with affiliates by regions (rotating through regions) |
Offer reduced registration fee for biennial conference to affiliate board members |
Objective 7: To provide guidance to our affiliates in achieving the above stated purposes
This last objective stands as a firm commitment to support our affiliates as they offer funeral consumer support, information, and advocacy for legislative change. In addition to the action items listed for previous objectives, we also want to support affiliates to grow their local organizations, increase their knowledge base, and deepen their impact, locally, regionally, and nationally.
Action Steps |
Create team-oriented approach to choose future webinar topics |
Create short tutorials or videos on topics such as starting an Instagram account or use of AI for fundraising |
Provide educational material that can be used by affiliates as website content or as handouts to members & meeting attendees |
Host virtual meetings with affiliates by regions. Discussion prompts may include What do you want to share with us? What can we learn from each other? |
Create newsletter items and social media posts that highlight local affiliates |
Offer reduced registration fee to biennial or virtual conference |